Connected Works in our Spring Issue

Image of a wetland scene with book covers superimposed on top of the wetland

So many of the books in the current issue of Nature Book Guide are connected--Annie Proulx's Fen, Bog & Swamp references the 1909 classic Girl of the Limberlost which inspired Limberlost by Robbie Arnott. The Red Knots of Deborah Cramer's The Narrow Edge are mentioned in Rising by Elizabeth Rush, who discusses the US Army Corps' work that affected Eddy Harris' Mississippi Solo trip by canoe. Robin Wall Kimmerer's Gathering Moss describes the science of bog ponds' sphagnum moss, which refers back to Annie Proulx's work.

We loved all of them, and hope you’ll take some time to explore them further.

Read more about each book in our Spring issue, which is ready for your (always free) download. Visit our Downloads page to access your copy plus lots of extras, including posters, bookmarks, past issues, and extended author interviews.

Beth Nobles

Beth Nobles-Founder/Editor of Nature Book Guide

As a high school student in the Youth Conservation Corps, Beth built trails and trail bridges in Illinois state parks. Mid-career, she led the Texas Mountain Trail as Executive Director for a decade, and through a partnership with Texas Parks and Wildlife, developed the Far West Texas Wildlife Trail and map. Before retiring in 2021, she led the Sand Creek Regional Greenway Partnership, an organization supporting an urban trail along a riparian corridor in the Denver metro area. She's organized countless volunteer opportunities to connect others to science and the outdoors; founding the Nature Book Guide was another effort to do the same.

Congratulations, Courtney Lyons-Garcia


Author Interview: Planktonia’s Erich Hoyt