Kristin Memmott

Kristin is a scientist who loves to talk to people. She works hard to create opportunities for communities to positively connect with natural places and the species that share those spaces.

Kristin serves as a Natural Resources Specialist for the City of Aurora, Colorado and sits on the city council advisory committee for Parks and Open Spaces in the City of Arvada. She is passionate about human-wildlife conflict resolution, conserving habitat for wildlife species in densely populated areas, and creating accessible nature play spaces. She is currently focusing her interest and research on the American Beaver.

M.S. Animals and Public Policy from Tufts University Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine

B.S. Biology from University of Oregon

For the Autumn 2023 issue, Kristin recommended The Hike, Alison Farrell, Chronicle Books, 2019, 56 pages; and Fox and I: An Uncommon Friendship, Catherine Raven, Spiegel & Grau, 2021, 304 pages.

For the Summer 2023 issue, Kristin recommended Pilgrim at Tinker Creek, Annie Dillard, Harper Perennial Modern Classics, 2013 (Originally published 1974), 304 pages; and participated in the author interview about Forget Me Not: Finding the forgotten species of climate-change Britain, Sophie Pavelle, Bloomsbury Wildlife, 2022, 352 pages.

For the Spring 2023 issue, Kristin recommended A Walk in the Woods: Rediscovering America on the Appalachian Trail, Bill Bryson, Crown, 1999, 304 pages; and Crow Planet: Essential Wisdom from the Urban Wilderness, Lyanda Lynn Haupt, Little Brown, Spark (trade paperback), 2011, 256 pages.

Kristin Memmott in grassy area with a young naturalist
Kristin Memmott with science equipment