Natalie Ross
Natalie is a registered landscape architect and owner of Ross Land Studio, a landscape architecture firm that creates resilient and sustainable landscapes for residents, businesses and institutions. After gaining a Master of Landscape Architecture from the University of Minnesota, Natalie got her start designing landscapes in Seattle, working on large scale resort design, campus planning and green roofs. In 2020, she moved back to her hometown of Cedar Rapids Iowa to raise her family and bring more naturalistic and localized design into her practice. She finds inspiration from the remnant prairies and woodlands in her area and tries to bring elements of those ecosystems into her client’s homes and businesses.
Since 2021, Natalie has served on the Cedar Rapids Stormwater Commission. She’s a board member for the Cedar Valley Montessori School and is currently serving as Tree Captain for Trees Forever. She's also been a volunteer with her local Shakespeare Garden.
For the Autumn 2024 issue, Natalie recommended Prairie Up: An Introduction to Natural Garden Design, Benjamin Vogt, 3 Fields Books, 2023, 208 pages.